Day in Life: Tuesday 7/28

I’m extending the day in the life meme due to a highly unusual server outage last week, now happily resolved.


Arrive work, boot up, open twhirl, im, calendar, and e-mail. review mail and check a few feeds while eating breakfast. i almost never want breakfast when i get up and usually eat at my desk.

Investigate status of the batch job I started the night before to sync Verde changes with SFX. Things don’t look good. Get coffee. Continue sync investigation, which leads to a friendly discussion with operations support about difference between non-supported hours and a maintenance window and when we can run batch jobs. Restart the batch during supported hours in order to benchmark, and send various related internal communication.

Learn about the process for requesting config table copy from Aleph QA to Aleph production server.  Coordinate with the table owner about requesting the change.  My first Aleph table change!

Start drafting this post.

Update the Verde project plan, now mostly complete!

Start playing a museum studies lecture for the class I’m taking and do some mindless Verde migration cleanup.


Eat lunch while catching up on e-mail messages.  Sometimes I take a full lunch hour, sometimes a shorter break at my desk, sometimes I work while eating.  Today I catch up on e-mail and then IM with friend.

Schedule a meeting with our training and documentation librarian to discuss future Verde training and Aleph acquisitions catch up. Our T&D librarian handles a regular, recurring schedule of Aleph and Cognos (reporting) classes and keeps the related documentation up to date.  She was on maternity leave for much of the Verde implementation, so we need to schedule time for her to learn Verde and figure out what ongoing training we should offer.  She also has an acquisitions and serials background, and since I recently became responsible for related Aleph functions, I’m looking to her to fill me in on some things.

Batch job from the a.m. finally finishes and I review the results.

Attend weekly Aleph team meeting, which includes staff responsible for Aleph support and our other vended software too.

Continue reviewing and acting on the results of the batch sync process until it’s time to go home.