Seeing the World through Dial Up

I’m all moved into the aforementioned apartment (can you believe it?), although not all unpacked. I plugged a phone in today and found a dial tone, so I got myself a dial up connection to use while I wait for Verizon to hook me up with the high speed. This means that I’m currently torn between wanting to browse and not wanting to hurt all over: the phone jack is not near any place to sit besides the floor. Since there’s a good chance I’ll hurt all over no matter where I sit, I’ve opted to browse.

I don’t remember the last time I used dial up, so it’s been quite an experience seeing which sites load in what I consider a reasonable amount of time: Google does pretty well, of course, and Newsgator is OK too, but WordPress, always a bit slow, is downright sluggish. And I desperately want to spend the going-away gift card some colleagues gave me, but iTunes just laughs.

Sorry Binghamton readers, but here, one more time, is the list of things I can walk to from my new place, in order of proximity:

  • dry cleaners
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • pub
  • ATM
  • work
  • express bus stop
  • Thai food
  • Starbucks
  • post office
  • the Charles River
  • Whole Foods (if I’m not buying much)