Organizing My Professional Self

In the course of wrapping up at Binghamton, I’ve needed to save quite a bit of professional e-mail, mainly correspondence related to presentations, articles, the list I manage. I also want to maintain several discussion list subscriptions that I’ve had through my work account.

So, I set up a new Gmail account just for professional but not strictly work-related e-mail, and boy, do I wish I had done it a long time ago! I would have saved myself the hassle of having to print, save, or forward messages that I now want to keep beyond my tenure at BU. And, more important to work productivity, traffic from several high-volume lists is now diverted from my work account, significantly lowering the e-mail distraction factor. Although I felt ambivalent about having yet another e-mail account, it’s worked out very well and I highly recommend the strategy.

I’m in the process of setting up an e-mail form (and some other stuff) on this site, so stay tuned if you want to contact me.