Firefox for Library Patrons

Ever since I discovered Mycroft I’ve been meaning to work on Mycroft search plugins for library resources. I’ve made a few but have shared them with only a few people. What other plug-ins, extensions, etc., can we develop for our patrons who use Firefox? The Google Scholar/SFX extension is an obvious one; some Canadians have developed an experimental CISTI sidebar and there’s a nice one-click RedLightGreen Mycroft plugin available from RLG. What about bookmarklets? What else can we offer people?

One reply on “Firefox for Library Patrons”

  1. I’ve kept this post as new in Bloglines so I could think about it. I’m still thinking…

    I wish I could find more time to play around with bookmarklets, etc. so I could get some ideas of how we could implement them.

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